  • Copenaghen’s Central Part

    Our Vinyl ences, Copenhagen model, are characterized by contemporaneity and classicism. These two factors balance the aesthetics of this model, adaptable to the most diverse styles of outdoor furniture. The Copenhagen model boasts this play of lights that form between the slats, forming a sight from my side. (The central part is disassembled for shipping and does not include the external poles)
  • New York’s Central Part

    Our Vinyl Fence, New York model, comes from the request for privacy but not only, also for design. The New York model is suitable for fencing houses, gardens, children's play areas ... (The central part is disassembled for shipping and does not include the external poles) & nbsp;
  • Stoccolma’s Central Part

    Our Vinyl Fence, Stoccolma model, is the ideal product for those who want to protect their garden from prying eyes, without giving up the play of light and aesthetics. The Stoccolma model is suitable for fencing houses, gardens or why not, a play area for children. (The central part is disassembled for shipping and does not include the external poles) & nbsp;
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